Yoh's and Anna's groups discuss Hao's powers and Anna tells Yoh he must begin his training. She is reluctant about letting the others take part of this possibly deadly experience and getting involved with the Asakura affairs, but Yoh ends up joined by Ren, Horo-Horo, Ryu, Chocolove and Faust. Meanwhile, from within her iron maiden, Jeanne tells the blond X-Laws member he must check on Yoh before he comes into contact with Hao's power. In another dimension, the group travels through the mind and memories of the first incarnation of Hao, where he shows them his abilities and explains how shamans and normal humans are different and how humans are incapable of feeling, understanding and respecting the Earth's nature. In the end, he bestows them with his power. Meanwhile, Hao meets Manta next to the training site and gives him similar explanations, which disturbs Manta, since he is only human. The group comes back visibly shook-up. Suddenly, Jeanne, Lyserg and the blond X-Laws member drop from the sky and the latter puts the group to a sudden test, hitting them outright. The iron maiden face opens, revealing the face of a little girl inside, who smiles and closes the face again. The group easily blocked the attack using their new, powerful and still shadowy oversouls. Following the brief fight, Hao comments to himself on Yoh's strength and everyone is excited with their new powers. Anna gives Yoh a small ancient sword sent by Yohmei. Manta notices Amidamaru is apparently disturbed with something.